Modern approach involves:
Direction - What has to be done and how to do it
Adaptation - Making a strategy, monitoring it, while also implementing it for performance on a task.
Criticism - Ability to critique own thoughts and actions.
Stanford-Binet = Focused on the ability to learn within an academic setting.
- General overall ability
Weschler Scale = Each test yields a performance score, a verbal score and an overall score.
- The Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III)
- The Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
- The Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R)
- He believed intelligence involves more than simply performance, and may include aspects of day- today living.
Scoring of Intelligence Test
IQ (Intelligence Quotient) = (Mental age (Performance age) Chronological Age (Actual age)) x
Problem = Originally focused on kids from schools, therefore when used on older populations it's pointless.
Solution = Standardised populations for different age groups, normative 1000's of subjects.
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