
What are the key differences between mass communication media and social media?

  • Media distribution
  • Media presentation
  • Media power
  • Media content
  • Producer/Consumer relationship

How are the news media, and the professional field of journalism, being affected by these trends?


  • The shift of classified advertising to the internet
  • Declining prin t circulation (especially on young people)
  • The rise of los-cost online mass outlets
  • The rise of citizen journalism (blogging and self-publishing)
  • Lead to newspapers going bankrupt or online-only
  • A growing public distrust of journalists

Thinking Across Media Types

What does Flew suggest is happening within the Australian print media industry? What about other mass media forms (i.e. TV and Radio)

  • He believes that newspapers are facing a 'perfect storm' of threats that is bringing down major titles and that Internet is taking over print media
  • There is minimal evidence of a fundamental shift from mass medias such as TV and radio

What does Flew mean when he argues “the disaggregation of media content” is more of a threat to established media than news online-only competitors?

  • He argues under 40 are disinterested in news
  • That our current environment has a clear demand for participation

Transformation in commercial media

What strategies are commercial media organisations using in the face of declining revenue and circulation?

  1. Building brand advantage

Internet news are questioned of it's trust and reputation and this can work to the advantage of globally recognized news brands.

  1. Cost Reductions

News organisations are either cutting back on staff and resources and/or making journalists do more

  1. Brand extension/diversification

News organisations have experimented with online-only sites

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