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Philosophy lectures
Main page
Philosophy lectures
What is science?
Scientific reasoning
Explanation in science
Realism and anti-realism
Scientific change
Philosophical problems in physics, biology, and psychology
The Why, What and How of Philosophy of Economics
Explaining Economic Phenomena
Rational Choice Theory
Game Theory
Causation and Causal Tendencies
Markets and Morals
Welfare and Well-being
Introducing Philosophies of law
The natural law tradition
The philosophy of law of Gustav Radbruch
Legal positivism
Keen / Hart / Habermas
Keen / Hart / Habermas
Keen / Hart / Habermas
Legal realism and instrumentalism
Holmes and American Legal Realism
Current sense of philosophy against the academic conception of the same
Science and technology defines our time
Philosophy in the face of science and technology
Technique and philosophy
Philosophy and politics
Humanism and philosophy: the need for a new man
Crisis of humanity