Personality is an object of a number of sciences and, being a complex, multifaceted social phenomenon, requires a complex interdisciplinary approach.

A human being is - on the one hand a biological being, an animal, endowed with consciousness, possessing speech, the ability to work; on the other hand, is a social being, who needs to communicate and interact with other people.

Personality is the same human being, but considered only as a social being. Speaking of the individual, we are distracted from his biological natural side. Not every human being is a person.

Individuality is the personality of a particular person as a unique combination of peculiar mental features.

The individual is a human being as a unit of society.

Life and human activity are conditioned by the unity and interaction of biological and social factors, with the leading role of the social factor.

"Individual" means a biological organism, a bearer of general genotypes inheritance properties of a biological species, an individual representative of the human race (we are born as an individual).

"Personality" is the social-psychological essence of a person, formed as a result of human being's assimilation of social forms of consciousness and behavior, the socio-historical experience of humanity (we become a person under the influence of life in society, education, training, communication, interaction). The concept of personality is introduced to determine the social essence of a human being. Personality is not only an object of social relations. It not only passes through social influences, but also transforms them, as it gradually begins to act as a set of internal conditions through which the external impacts of society are refracted. Thus, a person is not only an object and product of social relations, but also an active subject of activity, communication, consciousness, self-awareness.

To be a person means to achieve a choice that arises from the inner necessity, to assess the consequences of the decision taken and to keep an answer for them in front of you and the society in which you live.

The personality is characterized by five potentials:

1. cognitive potential is the amount of information, knowledge about the natural and social world that the person has;

2. Value potential is ideals, life goals, beliefs, aspirations of the individual;

3. Creativity - self-developed skills, the ability to create a new, to productive work, organizational activities;

4. communication potential - forms of sociability, strength of contacts established by the person with other people;

5. artistic potential - the level of artistic, spiritual needs of the individual.

A special and idiosyncratic personality in the fullness of its spiritual and physical properties is characterized by the concept of "individuality". Individuality is expressed in the presence of different experiences, knowledge, opinions, beliefs, differences in character and temperament. We prove our individuality and confirm it. One can single out the main characteristics of individuality: ability, temperament, character, world view, motivation, direction (main tendencies of behavior).

The concept of personality is closely related to the related concepts of human being, individual and individuality. What are the essence and differences of these concepts? Human being is the highest stage of development of living organisms on Earth, a subject of social-historical activity and culture. Researchers note the triple nature of the human being, as a biopsychosocial creature. It is also important that a human being is not only a product (the result of influence) of certain social relations, but also the creator of these relations themselves. The individual is a separate, isolated member of the social community: the people, the class, the group or the whole society. Individuality is a unique combination of natural and social properties of an individual.

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