Explain the concept of looking glass self?. Sociology

Socialisation shapes our self-image, or our we view ourselves. The view of ourselves comes not only from the direct contemplation of our personal qualities but also from our perceptions about how others are perceiving us. It happens in three steps. First, we imagine how we must appear to others, to our families or friends or just people on the street. Second, we believe how they must evaluate us, based on their observations of us. For example, do we come across as intelligent or funny, or shy, or maybe just awkward. And third, we develop feelings about ourselves based on our impression of their evaluations and their observations. One critical point is that the opinions of others are not influencing us, but instead, we are being affected by what we imagine the views of other people to be. So, we might develop our self-identities based on both correct and incorrect perceptions of how others see us. For example, the lecturer is grading our essay harshly, very critically. And they are doing this because they think that the student who wrote it has had a lot of potentials. So, they are grading it so that the students' paper harshly to help them reach it. When the student gets the paperback and sees the lecturer corrections and marks, the student might interpret this differently. They might conclude that they are not good at the literary they handed in. So, the student is acting on an incorrect perception in what they think the lecturer believes. As a result, the student might put less effort into the class, instead of more energy than the lecturer wanted. It is because our attitudes can often influence our behaviours. But then the student confronts the lecturer and ask about the paper. The lecturer explains it, and the student then gets back on the right track. Because of the additional interaction.