What was the result of the reforms instituted by Deng Xiaoping?. World History
Socially: Banned plays, operas, films, and translations of Western classics reappeared, and a “literature of the wounded” exposed the sufferings of the Cultural Revolution; a problem of urban over-crowding; terrible pollution in major cities; street crime, prostitution, gambling, drug addiction, and a criminal underworld, which had been eliminated after 1949, surfaced again in Chinas' booming cities.
Politically: Some 100,000 political prisoners, many of them high-ranking communists, were released and restored to important positions. Local governments and private enterprises joined forces in thousands of flourishing township and village enterprises that produced food, clothing, building materials, and much more.
Economically: More dramatic was the rapid dismantling of the country's system of collectivized farming and a return to something close to small scale private agriculture. Managers of state enterprises were given greater authority and encouraged to act like private owners, making many of their own decisions and seeking profits. China welcomed foreign investment in special enterprise zones along the coast, where foreign capitalists received tax breaks and other inducements. On the other hand, the states growing economy also generated massive corruptions among Chinese officials, but an essentially capitalist economy had been restored under Deng's reforms.