How did the Chinese Communist Party adapt its ideology and strategy during its long struggle to power?. World History

The Chinese Communist Party aimed its efforts at organizing the country's small urban working class. European Marxism was adapted to fit the situation in a mostly peasant China. The CCP found a charismatic leader in Mao Zedong who addressed China's major problems—foreign imperialism and peasant exploitation. To gain peasant support, Mao experimented with land reform in areas under communist control, increased efforts to empower women, and created a communist military force to protect liberated areas form Guomindang attack and landlord reprisals. Furthermore, in the areas that the Guomindang controlled, the CCP reduced rents, taxes, and interest payments for peasants; taught literacy to adults; and mobilized women for the struggle. The struggle expressed Chinese nationalism as well as a demand for radical social change.

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